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Ihr Warenkorb ist zur zeit Leer

High Protein 25 3 x 35 gramm

Bewertung 4,67/5 (Anzahl der Stimmen: 3) Stimme


€ 4,99 € 5,99

Mindestpreis der letzten 30 Tage: € 3,59


Auf Lager


Geschmacksrichtung :  


Isostad High Protein 25 3 x 35g.

Siehe Beschreibung

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ISOSTAD High Protein 25

Isostar High Protein 25 bars are specially designed to provide surplus protein to promote muscular construction. With their high protein content (25%) they are suited to muscular maintenance and development for all sports and all disciplines. In addition, thanks to ever more advanced scientific research, Isostar has been able to develop products with optimal organoleptic properties.

Optimum use of consumption
It can be eaten during and outside exercise sessions.

Recommanded activities
This protein bar is ideal for maintaining muscle or more particularly as part of gaining bulk, on its own or in addition to powdered protein.
Mean analysis

Per 100g

Per 1 bar (35gr)
Energy value Kcal 385 135
Energy value Kj 1621 569
Protein g 25,1 8,8
Carboidrati g 48 16,8
of which g 38 13,3
Grassi g 10 3,5
di cui ac. grassi saturi g 4,2 1,5
Fibre alimentari g 5,1 1,8
Sodio g 0,23 0,08
Vitamin E mg 8,5 3
Vitamin C mg 43 15
Vitamin B1 mg 1,2 0,42
Vitamin B2 mg 1,3 0,46
Niacina mg 14 4,9
Vitamin B6 mg 1,6 0,56

*%RDA- recommended daily allowance

Ingredients: Reconstituted product: water, carbohydrates (sucrose, dehydrated glucose syrup, maltodextrin), acidifier: citric acid, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, anti-oxidant: ascorbic acid, emulsifier: modified starch, stabiliser: acacia gum, colouring: beta-carotene, vitamin B1.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and Ministry of Health. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. These informations are issued by the Manufacturer.

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